Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Heart Sampler for ANG Seminar Auction

October, 2012--When I attended my first ANG seminar in San Antonio, TX in 2011, I was given a piece of blue canvas and a stitch guide written by Janet Perry to needlepoint a heart sampler, then to return the completed heart to ANG.  The heart would then be made into an ornament and offered as an auction item at the Philadelphia seminar in 2012.   So I did that, thoroughly enjoying the process of choosing my own threads, colors and some stitches (the stitch guide was very helpful).

When I went to seminar, I had every intent of bidding on my own heart so I could take it home, thinking it would go for $25 or so.  Ha!  What I saw was not only my heart up for auction, but the hearts of others who also worked on this "first timer" project.  There were a total of 6 beautiful heart ornaments up for auction as a GROUP.  I could see this was going to cost me a bit more than $25.  Well it did.... $300 later, I not only got my heart, but the other 5 as well.  Oh well, it does go for a good cause and the other hearts are pretty.  Here's mine:


  1. where do you find the pattern for this beautiful heart? I'm from Denmark and I can't find anything like this in my country.

    1. Hello. This pattern was given to me to stitch by the American Needlepoint Guild because I was a first-time attendee at an annual seminar. I don't believe it's available to the public.
