Monday, July 22, 2013

Pumpkin 3D Designed by Ruth Chow

July, 2012--I purchased this Ruth Chow painted canvas from Waste Knot (Arlington, VA) in 2009. Lori Maza had the model available to view and I just had to have it.  Unfortunately, I was too new at doing needlepoint and found some of the stitches difficult to do, so I put it aside.  After 3 years of gathering needlepointing experience, I picked up the pumpkin again and was easily able to complete it.  It was a lot of fun.  This is what it looked like while on the scroll bars.

October, 2012--This is what it looked like when I got it back from the finisher.  It's so cute sitting next to the candy dish at Halloween.


  1. Can I purchase the stitch guide from you? The shop I was taking the class at went out of business and I never got all the stitch guides.

  2. Hi Barbara,

    Sorry, I no longer have the stitch guide. I purchased the canvas and stitch guide from Lori Mazza, the owner of Waste Knot in Arlington, VA. She most likely can get it for you. Her telephone number is (703) 807-1828. Hope this works out for you. It was a fun project to do.
