Sunday, August 18, 2013

Commenting on Blogs

August 18, 2013--I love writing this blog, but most especially, I love reading the blogs of other needlepointers (as you can see from "My Blog List" on the black right side bar--place mouse on the right side for the bar to show up).

Reading blogs is a favorite morning activity, along with that first cup of java.  It's where other stitchers share their love of needlepoint  through writing, photographs, etc.  Sometimes you can even glimpse a hint of their personal lives.   And the fun part is being able to leave a comment on something that speaks to you personally--a blog give-and-take, so to speak.

Needle Nicely has written a very nice blog about writing comments and how to do so using Google. She says it so well that I'm taking you there through the below link.  Her description of getting through the decoding process is spot on.  She also has a very nice blog to read.  Enjoy.

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