Sunday, December 1, 2013

SOTM 2013 Updated 10/29/14

October 29, 2014--Love the framing.

Stitch of the Month 2013 Framed

December 1, 2013--There's nothing more to add for December, so I'm done!  Now to see what my framer can do.

November 8, 2013--The November lesson is done.  I like the chain pattern, but am not sure how I like the colors.  The two narrow edges are now lost.  Looking forward to the final lesson in December.

SOTM 2013 November
October 6, 2013--October stitching is now complete and I love how nicely the gold diagonal back stitches fill in the empty space.  Now I'm wondering how the canvas will be stitched between the two outside borders.

September 4, 2013--The lesson for this month is done.  It's looking very pretty.  Looking forward to what the next three months will bring.

August 16, 2013--I have been asked to list the colors used in this project.  Below are my DMC selections:


Original Thread Type Amount for Congress Cloth Thread Selection and Color
Kreinik 1/16" Ribbon  1 spool Vatican Gold #102
Keinik #4 Braid 2 spools Vatican Gold #102
Need 3 color families
Main Color - 5 Values Blues
Dark 3 skeins DMC 311 Md Blue
Medium Dark 1 skein DMC 312 V Dk Baby Blue
Medium 1 skein DMC 322 Baby Blue
Medium Light 1 skein DMC 334 Md Baby Blue
Light 1 skein DMC 3755 Lt Baby Blue
Second Color - 4 Values Pinks
Dark 1 skein DMC 3721 Dk Shell Pink
Medium Dark 1 skein DMC 3722 Md Shell Pink
Medium Light 1 skein DMC 223 Lt Shell Pink
Light 2 skeins DMC 224 V Lt Shell Pink
Accent Color - 3 Values Beiges
Dark 2 skeins DMC 840 Md Beige Brown
Medium Dark 2 skeins DMC 841 Lt Beige Brown
Medium Dark 1 skein DMC 842 V Lt Beige Brown


August 3, 2013--Just finished stitching the August lesson--took very little time to do this month's assignment.  Am unable to figure out what direction the design is taking, but so far it's been interesting.  Looking forward to September.

July 5, 2013--Completed the July stitching.   It's a beautiful trellis pattern which fills in much of the space very quickly.  Nice.

June, 2013--The stitches inside the red area remind me of a fruit pod.  Pretty.

May, 2013--The additional blue section is adding nice dimension.

April, 2013--The four corners are called leaves by Debbie.  If I had known this at the beginning, I would have reversed the colors.  Oh well, I'll play it out through December and hope it won't matter.  

March, 2013--This month's lesson gave us dimension.  Pretty border.

February, 2013--What a great beginning.  Love the pattern.

January, 2013--Love starting a new ANG Stitch of the Month Mystery project.  This is my fourth SOTM and each year has been a real treat to stitch.  This year's project is taught by Debbie Stiehler using Bargello stitches.  January's lesson was to lay down basting stitches from corner to corner on the diagonal.  Onward to the fun.


  1. I have enjoyed watching this piece progress and I look forward to more. I plan on stitching this myself (someday). In the meantime, I'll keep watching your blog. By the way, your blog is one of my favorites and I can't wait to see for updates. Kathie

  2. Thanks Kathie for your very nice comment.
