Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue - Updated 3/21/2020

March 21, 2020--The 3rd and final lesson, the flag block, was supposed to have been given to my ANG chapter at the meeting on April 6th.  However, with everything canceled because of COVID-19, I wrote out the lesson and emailed it to all participants.  They have all done so well on the stitching through the second lesson and I know this last one will be a breeze for them.  The only concern they may have is with the star brads used for embellishment.  I wrote about my experience of placing them on the canvas, so they shouldn't have any trouble at all.  Looking forward to seeing photos of their completed projects.  All in all, this was a lot of fun to work on and to lead as a chapter class.

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue - Lesson 3, Section 8

March 3, 2020--The instructions for the second installment to the project were given to my ANG chapter members yesterday.  The three sections covered were Lettering, Red and White Squares, and Fireworks.   All of us are thoroughly enjoying the variety of stitches in this piece.

The last section, The Flag, will be stitched next month, then I'll have the fun of finishing it into a box standup.

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue - Lesson 2, Sections 5 - 7
The only changes we would have made are in the spacing between the letters L and Y--they need to be closer together by one thread for balance, and lower the firecrackers by 5 threads to allow more room on top for the "spaeklers".  Otherwise it's looking good.

February 4, 2020--This wonderful project, designed by Karen Barras of the Central Kentucky Chapter of ANG, was chosen by Delaware's Seashore Chapter as their project for the first 3 months of 2020.

I have the privilege of leading the members in stitching this design, and yesterday was Lesson 1 covering the first 4 sections (bunting, pinwheel, plaid and flowers).  Of course, prior to the first lesson, all had the opportunity to do the pre-work which outlined each section with Diagonal Gobelin Stitch.

Karen's instructions and graphs are superb, but I did have to review my Chottie's Plaids book to figure out how the plaid section should be stitched.  Using her technique, the back looks as good as the front.  Here are the results:

Hooray for the Red, White & Blue - Lesson 1, Sections 1 - 4

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