Tuesday, August 31, 2021

New Jersey NeedleFest 2021 - 8/31/21

August 31, 2021--Last weekend I attended the New Jersey NeedleFest event put on by Needleworker's Delight of Metchun, NJ where I sat with members of the New Jersey Needle Artists (NJNA) Chapter of ANG.  This year the fest was held at the Hilton in Berkeley Heights, NJ.  

Enjoyed wonderful camaraderie with co-stitchers while viewing projects being worked on by other attendees.  All in all a wonderful day with lots of shopping and very good food.  Even though this is the fourth time I've participated in this event, I'll be sure to sign up for next year, and the year after, and the year after that, etc.

The photo is of a needle minder given to us along with tickets for door prizes (I won a lunch box type of thingie).

Needle Minder

1 comment:

  1. What a nice needle minder to be given at the door. I didn't go this year but have only heard wonderful things about the event. Can't wait for next year !!!
