Friday, January 14, 2022

Saint Paul Snowdrift - Updated 1/14/22

January 14, 2022--Ta da--completed the stitching on this very interesting and challenging project.  Fortunately, it was small enough to quickly get done and will make a cute ornament.  The photo below gives you an idea of what it will look like when it is "finished".

Saint Paul Snowdrift Completed

A photo of the project as designed is at the end of this post.  My version is stitched on light blue 25 count linen using ecru DMC perle 5 and perle 12 (ecru is the only color I had in my stash in both sizes of perle).

January 10, 2022--This is a Hungarian Whitework project designed and taught by Terri Bay through ANG CyberPointers Chapter at their January 2022 meeting.  Below are photographs of my progress through the lessons given online with a brief description of each band.  Whew--I really was out of my comfort zone with these stitches, but I did learn a lot.  

The next steps are the reverse of lessons already covered, so they should go a lot more quickly.  I also learned the correct way to manage cut threads at the edge of the design detail for the hemstitch band, so they will look much neater.

Lesson 4 Quarter and Half Eyelets, Spot Eyelets

Lesson 3 Double Cable and Satin Stitches Band

Lesson 2 Hemstitch and Eyelet Band

Lesson 1 Topwinder Band

Saint Paul Snowdrift Project as Stitched by Designer Terri Bay

1 comment:

  1. Bardzo piękny i interesujący projekt .Nie znam tej techniki ale pooglądam sobie na pinterest.


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