Monday, March 7, 2022

Heart Jeweled - Updated 3/7/22

March 7, 2022--Well, I guess I'm more of a perfectionist than originally thought.  I really hated how the Kumihimo cord looked (see 2/22/22 entry below), so I took it off, braided up a new one on my Kumihimo disk, and placed it on the heart.  Much happier and I hope you agree that it was worth doing (the new cord has a much tighter twist).  The back, however, is still a mess.  I did try to separate the front from the back to redo the back fabric, pad it a bit, etc., but couldn't get them apart, so the original backing stays.

Heart Jeweled Finished Front

Heart Jeweled Finished Back

February 22, 2022--Self-finished this beautiful, beaded heart today using a 12-strand Kumihimo cord.  I like the results for the most part, but realized my cord started to lose its tight twist, so the cord on the right side of the heart is a bit looser than the left side.  I'll need to watch out for this in the future.  If I were a died in the wool perfectionist, I would have redone the cord, but alas, I'm not.  Also, this heart will hang in my dressing closet for me to enjoy, so except for this blog and a brief showing at my local ANG chapter meeting, no one else will ever see it.  The fabric on the back is just OK and I forgot to add a bit of poly padding to it, AND, it came out crooked.  Oh well, like I said, it's for my enjoyment only and I'll never look at the back.  La de da.

Heart Jeweled Finished Front

Heart Jeweled Finished Back

12-Strand Kumihimo Braid

October 30, 2019--Stitching is done, and this beautiful heart is ready to be finished into an ornament.  I have a very special Kumihimo braid in mind for this.

Heart Jeweled Finished

October 13, 2019--At last I've got a moment to add a blog post.  This project is called Jeweled Heart and is designed by Nancy Cucci.  I had an opportunity to purchase the kit from Nancy, through a friend (thanks Roseanne J.) while she was at the ANG Seminar in Houston, TX last August.  I'm a big fan of all things Nancy Cucci and jumped at the opportunity to stitch this piece.

Here's my progress to date (and it really sparkles):

Heart Jeweled as of 10/13/19

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