Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Bargello Fun - Updated 4/26/22

April 26, 2022--Done the stitching on this really pretty bargello project.  I'm imagining this as a purse with a Kumihimo cord and shoulder strap and two large tassels on the right and left bottom corners.  How cool will it look with dark wash blue jeans and a white blouse.  

Bargello Fun Completed

January 30, 2022--I have the blues and am loving it.  The blues I'm talking about are in this project and look wonderful.  The first quadrant of Section 2 is done and actually worked up quickly.   Please ignore the "thread spaghetti".  Will deal with that in the next quadrant.

Bargello Fun Section 2 First Quadrant

January 5, 2022--Getting well into the new year now.  Lots of planned stitching to do, but for now, this is the project I'm very much enjoying.  I believe I've completed about 50% (this calculation includes the time it took to work up the outline in Smyrna stitches).  So here it is with the center and Area 1 completely stitched.  Loving the blues.

Bargello Fun Center and Area 1 Completed

January 1, 2022--Happy New Year!  Wishing everyone the best in 2022.

I've started stitching a new project being led by Delaware's Seashore Chapter member Pat vdA called Bargello Fun designed by Carol Algie Higginbotham.  It's taken from the ANG Chapter Project Book for 2015-2016.  So far, I've stitched the outline done in Smyrna Cross Stitch.  

Bargello Fun Outline Completed

I'm not stitching this in the pink colorway as shown in the project photo.   Instead, I've chosen to work this up in blue colors listed below.

Name/Type Color Number Color Name

DMC/Floss 791 12-13 V Dk Cornflower
DMC/Floss 797 12-11 Royal Blue
DMC/Floss 798 11-07 Dk Delft Blue
DMC/Floss 799 11-06 Md Delft Blue
DMC/Floss 800 10-03 Pale Delft Blue
DMC/Floss 809 10-04 Delft Blue
DMC/Floss Blanc White

Now on to the fun part of doing bargello stitches.

Here's a photo of the project as stitched by the designer.

Bargello Fun Designed by Carol Algie Higginbotham Project Photo


  1. Miłego wyszywania !Czekam na postępy,chętnie będę oglądała.Ładne kolory dobrałaś.
    PS. Przepraszam piszę po polsku bo nie znam angielskiego.Posługuję się tłumaczem internetowym żeby przeczytać Twój tekst

    1. Thank you for your nice comment. I also use a web translator to read your comments. It works very well. Happy New Year.

  2. That is a lot of Smyrnas!! You are working on all those projects? They are on bars? How do you decide which to work on in a given day? By the way, I stitched Bronze Purse but never "finished" it - can't decide what to do with it. I have Fire and Ice on bars but haven't pulled it out in a while.

    1. Ah, I can tell you looked at my In Process Projects page. All of them are on stretcher bars with various amount of work done on them. I choose projects by whimsey or chapter commitments, not worrying about what's not getting done. My Fire and Ice project languishes still and I'm not sure I'll ever finish it. The Bronze Purse is definitely one that I want to get done now that the Let the Good Times Roll purse is finished. As far as my Planned Projects, most of them are fully kitted and mounted on stretcher bars. I'm slowly weaning them out by selling what I know I'll never get to--tastes do change. You should see my "dream list" of projects I would love to stitch that I have on Pinterest. Posting photos there instead of actually buying and kitting up those projects has saved me a ton of money. LOL.

  3. Too many on bars cause me anxiety. Process, Planned, and Dream projects! Good way to handle them especially the Dream projects. Thanks for sharing.

  1. Love the blues too!!! Great piece - looking forward to your progress.


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