Thursday, June 30, 2022

Master Needlepointer Program of ANG - Stage 1 - 6/30/22

June 30, 2022--Last year I signed up to participate in ANG's Master Needlepointer Program (MNP) and mailed my completed project in time to be judged in May of this year.  I recently learned I passed by receiving 99 out of 100 points.  There was also a long critique which was most helpful. 

Here's my completed project.  One thing noticed by those reviewing my piece was the fact the thread used in the left "ray" seemed to have dye issues or was very old.  They are right--by the time I noticed it, I decided it wasn't worth redoing since I didn't have more of the color used.  I'll have to be aware of this issue when using older threads.

I do love the colors though--I chose mostly DMC floss in the blue-green color range; the variegated thread was from ThreadworX; and all were from my stash.

ANG Master Needlepointer Program Stage 1 Completed

I learned about this program from an article written in ANG's January 2021 issue of Needle Pointers Magazine where a description of the four stages was given.  Stage 1 involved the use of certain stitches on one of two designs supplied (I chose the "ray" design).  Below is a photo of the design basted and drawn on 24 count Congress Cloth.  

MNP Stage 1 Basted Design on 24 count Congress Cloth

I had to pencil in most of the ray's lines since they did not fall on the diagonal which made for some interesting stitch compensation issues


  1. Very nice! That's very similar to the EGA Mastercraftsman Step where the design was purposely configured to make you demonstrate compensation. Lovely monochromatic color choice.

  2. New phone. Comment from Melita

  3. Lovely work. It's a shame about the dye situation holding you back from 100 points but I find it amazing that for your first piece in the Master Program you scored so high. I bet everyone does not. Keep up the good work.....and a hardy CONGRATULATIONS!
