Monday, September 12, 2022

Eye Surgery - 9/12/22

September 12, 2022--I haven't done any stitching for the past few weeks due to the need for left eye surgery which was done last Wednesday.   So far, the results are very promising, and I hope to have needle in hand again in a few weeks.  

A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with a macular pucker and my regular eye doctor told me surgery could not be performed without first taking care of my cataracts, which was done in February 2021.  Due to lots of traveling in 2022, I waited until September to get the surgery.  Now all I have to do is give my eye time to heal.  


  1. Życzę żeby Twoje oczy dobrze się gojiły.Ja też miałam kilka lat temu operację zaćmy.
