Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Early Merry Christmas Wishes - 12/6/22

December 6, 2022--I recently posted the below photo as my personal Facebook cover page.  It shows all the ornaments I've stitched and "finished" myself over the years, hanging on a metal frame in front of the fireplace (I have no mantel to speak of--it's used for my television's sound bar).  I love these pieces and very much enjoy bringing them out each December. 

But this is all I have to show you at this time.  I'm currently working on Stage 2 of ANG's Master Needlepointer Certification Program and cannot blog about it until I submit it for review next May.  I'm very much behind on the stitching of this project since I did a lot of traveling this year as well as having had eye surgery in September.  My vision is improving and I'm back to stitching, but not as much as I'd like because of ----   GOT ----  !!!!   

DH and I recently signed up for a year of HBO Max and are now binge-watching Game of Thrones (GOT)--all eight seasons (we've already watched what's been aired so far of House of the Dragon).   It's taking all of my attention to follow the numerous amount of characters in the story and their shenanigans, so I sit attentively for hours a day (when not out doing other stuff, of course).  We're half-way through Season 3, so that gives you an idea of how brain dead I've become (will I be a blue-eyed White Walker without having been killed first?).

Stay tuned--I hope to get back into my stitching chair soon, or at least into my craft room to "finish" stitched pieces into ornaments (that's always a lot of fun--ha, ha).

So, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and see you at the end of this year or early next.

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