Saturday, September 30, 2023

Stitching Girl with Her Horse - 9/30/23

September 30, 2023--I recently took a few days of classes from Sandy Arthur of Duo Designs at a retreat in Kentucky to work on Gayla Elliott's Stitching Girl with Her Horse.   I love this project with all of its embellishments and variety of threads and stitches.  Sandy kept us very busy learning how and where to place stitches to bring this canvas to life.   We had a choice of two Stitching Girl canvases, and I chose this one because of the horse boarding stables behind my property.

Stitching Girl with Her Horse Status as of 9-30-23

Here's the background.....when my husband and I moved to our new home in Delaware 13 years ago, there was a large farm located on the property in back of our house.  We knew living in an agricultural region would mean listening to tractor noises (tilling, planting, fertilizing, harvesting), crop duster planes, etc., and dealing with lots of flies--especially the little fruit flies that infest your home during harvest season, but we didn't realize how bad all of those flies would be.  Then a number of years ago the farm was sold to Windswept Stables, a horse boarding and riding instruction farm.   The only sounds we now hear are the neighing and whinnying of horses.  The house flies have disappeared because they prefer to be at the stables, and we no longer get the harvest fruit flies--YAY!  Sooooo....I'd like to name the horse Independence (the name of my community) and have the Stitching Girl needlepoint the name of the stables on the canvas she's working on (of course you will only see it in reverse).  Then I'll see if the stable owners would like to have this as a gift to hang in their home (or stables for that matter).  If not, it will be part of my guest room stitching gallery.

Stitching Girl with Her Horse Designed by Gayla Elliott, Stitched by Sandra Arthur of Duo Designs

I will post photos of my canvas in future blogs as I stitch it up.  Stay tuned.  

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