Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Camp Wannastitch 2024 - 1/17/24

January 17, 2024--Had the pleasure of attending the January 2024 EGA Camp Wannastitch retreat held at the Ashore Hotel in Ocean City, MD.  What a blast! 

Find Waldo (aka me).  Hint--blue plaid shirt on right side, about four rows down.

The retreat normally runs for 5 days, but I could only attend for 2.5--from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning.  Enjoyed sitting with my EGA chapter mates, some of whom are also ANG members.  As I walked around the HUGE ballroom where we were stitching, I met more ANG friends from Northern Virginia and Checkerspot chapters and enjoyed making new friends.  Also had the opportunity to see what everyone was stitching, check out the tables set up with boxes and boxes of "give aways," and peek at the silent auction items.   Relished wonderful dinners out--on Friday went to Spain Wine Bar and on Saturday ate at Liquid Assets.  Both are highly recommended, but get there early--they are packed!

Looking forward to next year.

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