Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Folding Ort Box Number 2, Black and Red 3/18/15

March 18, 2015--Won 1st Place Ribbon in the Canvaswork-Multi category at Woodlawn's 52 Annual Needlework Exhibition in Alexandria, VA.

February, 2010.  Made this ort box for DH to keep in his office.  The black and silver was to match his electronics and furniture while the red was for impact.  It got noticed--by other women of course.   And what man doesn't love the attention of other women.  Now that he's retired full time, the ort box has been re-commissioned to travel with me when taking classes, etc.


  1. Hi Brenda.... How or where can I sign up to purchase this Ort Box? I've seen it in different colors & love it.
    Tks for help with any information....

  2. Hi Frances. The Ort Box was an ANG Chapter Project Book piece designed by Marilyn Owen. If your chapter isn't stitching this, you can purchase the instructions directly from Marilyn. Her email address is: You can tell her I gave the address to you--I don't think she'll mind. She also has a new ort box which has a pocket on the side. Have fun with choosing colors.
