Monday, July 1, 2013

Kreinik Pen

September, 2012--I bought two of these cool pens at ANG Seminar in for myself and one as a gift for my conference roommate, Vicki.   She really had a time of it at the hotel check in.  Our original plans were that she would arrive first,  check in and get the room.   Well, it was I who arrived first and was assigned "our room".  When Vicki checked in, she was not told I was already in the room, so was very concerned that our room had been assigned to someone else, not recognizing my luggage.  She had to get a last minute change of rooms, all to my surprise when I tried to return to the room I had been assigned and found myself locked out.   Too funny.  It ended well with a nicer room than originally assigned.   I have to find out if she ever stitched the pen.

(Kreinik Stock Photo)

1 comment:

  1. I Bought One too-mine Is For Bill. Maybe I Could Get It Done By HiS Bday (End Of July).
