Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Bargello Rose - Updated 11/16/21

November 16, 2021--Just picked up this project from Michael's Arts & Crafts in Rehoboth Beach, DE and love it.  The mats coordinate perfectly with the rose and stem while the frame picks up a bit of copper in the border stitches.    

Bargello Rose Framed

Bargello Rose - Updated 7/14/21ly 14, 2021--The stitching on this beautiful rose is finished and the project is ready for framing.  Learned a number of new things and am proud to have gotten through some of the more difficult segments.  Love the border stitch and it has a surprise of shiny color along the upper and lower edges which doesn't show in the photo.  We students had the option of using Chinese characters in the "chop" block or our initials and date.  I opted for the latter.  Now for an oriental styled frame and mat.  Stay tuned.

Bargello Rose Completed

July 5, 2021--Happy Independence Day Holiday.

Had some time yesterday to begin working on a new project offered by ANG's CyberPointer Chapter called Bargello Rose designed by Wendy Moore.  The lessons are offered over five days during the chapter's online July meeting and are wonderful supplements to the instruction manual received with the kit (canvas and threads).   It's a huge piece--the canvas measures 18" x 11" and when framed, will be quite large.  

Finally got it through my thick skull on how to work the direction of bargello stitches--if you're going up the canvas, the stitches are done in a downward direction (from top to bottom).  If you're going down the canvas, the stitches are worked in an upward direction (from bottom to top).  Then, of course, I need to remember to make a tacking stitch to change direction.  

Here is the rose worked through most of Lesson 2.

Bargello Rose Lesson 2 Partial - Closeup

Bargello Rose Lesson 2 Partial



  2. I love the canvas your using and the bargello so far is beautiful ! Can't wait to see more !


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