Saturday, November 13, 2021

Holiday Ornament Red Light - Updated 11/13/21

November 13, 2021--I've redone the tip of this red light ornament by removing the french knots and putting in straight stitches.  Did not like how the french knots came out--they looked too jammed in and appeared crooked.  I'm much happier with my "redo".  Here it is:

Ornament Holiday Light Red Completed - Revised

August 21, 2021--Here's my 11th stitched Holiday Ornament designed by Susan Portra with instructions published in Needlepoint Now Magazine, 2014 Vol XVI, No. 6.  This one is a red light bulb ornament and, for the most part, I love it.  However, the french knots on the light's bottom stitched with RG Flair make me cringe when I look at them--just too uneven and too many crammed into a small space.  Hopefully it won't look so bad when "finished" with cording and a pretty ribbon bow.   For a list of Holiday Ornaments published in Needlepoint Now Magazine, click here.

Ornament Holiday Light Red Completed

Ornament Holiday Light Red Completed
 Side View


  1. I agree with your redo - the bulb looks great now.

  2. What beads do you use? I like toho, but they're so expensive!

    1. Hi Michelle. I used Sundance 14 beads. I don't think I've ever used Toho beads.
