Friday, January 28, 2022

Graph Management - 1/28/22

January 28, 2022--I want to share a hint about marking up stitching design graphs and using a laying tool at the same time.  

Here's what I used to do--I would have a paper copy of the graph on a table beside me, a highlighter marker in my lap (and staining my clothes, etc.), and a laying tool in my hand.  Managing this was very cumbersome.

Here's what I do now--I take a photo of the graph with my iPhone, then open the photo on my iPad where I can select the little pen icon to mark up the photo with my iPen.  I can then keep the iPad on my lap where it is so easy to highlight the stitch I just completed on the graph using my iPen.  Since I need to keep the iPen in my hand for this purpose, I tried using it as a laying tool and surprisingly enough, it works quite well.  No more switching from iPen to laying tool.   I also like the fact that I can "erase" the highlighted areas of the graph if I need to use it again for a different section of the project.  I can also make notes on the photo with my iPen and save the photo for future reference.  It's also easy to reverse, rotate, flip, etc. the iPad photo.  The possibilities are endless.

I suspect many of you also do something like this, but for those who haven't tried it, I hope it works well for you too.

Using iPen to Highlight Completed Stitches on Graph Photo on iPad

Using iPen as a Laying Tool

Sunday, January 16, 2022

A Little Fun This Morning

January 16, 2022--These are three of my favorite needlepoint eCards.  If you have more, please let me know.  Thanks!

Have a nice Sunday, and to those in the East, stay safe and warm.  We will be just a few miles from the edge of the upcoming blizzard with expected temperatures in the mid 50s.  We are dodging a bullet on this one.  Whew.

Friday, January 14, 2022

Saint Paul Snowdrift - Updated 1/14/22

January 14, 2022--Ta da--completed the stitching on this very interesting and challenging project.  Fortunately, it was small enough to quickly get done and will make a cute ornament.  The photo below gives you an idea of what it will look like when it is "finished".

Saint Paul Snowdrift Completed

A photo of the project as designed is at the end of this post.  My version is stitched on light blue 25 count linen using ecru DMC perle 5 and perle 12 (ecru is the only color I had in my stash in both sizes of perle).

January 10, 2022--This is a Hungarian Whitework project designed and taught by Terri Bay through ANG CyberPointers Chapter at their January 2022 meeting.  Below are photographs of my progress through the lessons given online with a brief description of each band.  Whew--I really was out of my comfort zone with these stitches, but I did learn a lot.  

The next steps are the reverse of lessons already covered, so they should go a lot more quickly.  I also learned the correct way to manage cut threads at the edge of the design detail for the hemstitch band, so they will look much neater.

Lesson 4 Quarter and Half Eyelets, Spot Eyelets

Lesson 3 Double Cable and Satin Stitches Band

Lesson 2 Hemstitch and Eyelet Band

Lesson 1 Topwinder Band

Saint Paul Snowdrift Project as Stitched by Designer Terri Bay

1 comment:

  1. Bardzo piękny i interesujący projekt .Nie znam tej techniki ale pooglądam sobie na pinterest.


Monday, January 3, 2022

Janet Zickler Casey Santas Stitched to Date - 1/3/22

 Click on the photo caption to view more information about each santa.

January 1, 2022--In keeping with my goal of stitching one new and one old Janet Zickler Casey's santas each year, I stitched the below Cashmere and North Wind Santas.  This makes 14 santas stitched to date.

Cashmere Santa Completed

North Wind Santa Completed

May 18, 2020--Here's the 12th santa ornament stitched so far--North Wind Santa

North Star Santa Completed

May 12, 2020--the 11th Janet Zickler Casey santa stitched to date called Santa in the Moon.

Santa in the Moon Completed

January 5, 2020--The 10th JZC santa, Heart Santa, is stitched.

Santa Heart

February 11, 2019--The 9th JZC santa is stitched.

Star Spangled Santa

January 9, 2019--Here's the eighth stitched so far to add to the list below.

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Santa

November 16, 2018—Recently I counted up the number of santa ornaments designed by Janet Zickler Casey that I’ve stitched over the years.  Below are 7 out of 23 total to date.  As new ones are completed, I’ll add them to the list.  My goal is to stitch two a year (one new, one old) until all are done.  Click on the caption for more information about each santa pictured.

Candy Swirl Santa
Pine Cone Santa

Nutcracker Santa
Christmas Tree Santa

Silver Bell Santa

Christmas Light Santa

Candy Cane Santa

To see the santas yet to be stitched, please click on the 2 Pages on the right side of this blog called Planned Projects and In Process Projects.

  1. I did not stitch a Santa in 2020. I need to get one on the frame as they are so much fun to stitch!
