March 16, 2016--
Won 3rd Place Ribbon for Canvaswork at the Rehoboth Beach Museum 6th Annual Needlework Exhibit.
March 7, 2016--Placed this project into a 6.5" box top with an antique finish white paint. Love it.
Beachcomber's Booty Box Top |
October 20, 2015--Finished this beautiful project and will now shop for a box with an insert top. Enjoyed seeing how easy the blackwork stitches were to execute.
Beachcomber's Booty Completed |
October 7, 2015--My local ANG chapter, Delaware's Seashore Chapter, was fortunate to have Ann Strite-Kurz teach us a class called
Beachcomber's Booty. It's a beautiful sand dollar design (it's our chapter's logo).
Below is a picture of my project so far. It's fun to work these beautiful stitches and I hope to have it done this month.
There's a story behind this. Linda, another chapter member, and I took a class from Ann at the 2012 Philadelphia ANG Seminar. While there, Ann told us about her beach house in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We asked Ann if she would be willing to teach a class when in Delaware and shared contact information. Well, earlier this year she wrote to say she would be here in October and asked if we were still interested in having her teach a class. We answered with a resounding yes, yes, yes!
Ann brought some examples of her pieces along with anything we wanted to purchase (saving us lots of shipping costs). We drooled over her techniques and marveled at the results.
Thank you Ann for a wonderful learning experience and we'll have a beautiful project when done.
Beachcomber's Booty in Process at 10/7/15 |