April 18, 2022--I've returned from one of the most eventful trips I've ever taken and after a week of recovering from a horrific cold, days full of catching up at home, hosting a wine club event, doctor visits, financial meetings, etc., etc., etc., I'm finally able to sit and write about the experience.
Firstly, the Rhine River Cruise by Uniworld is definitely first class all the way. From the beautiful riverboat with well-appointed rooms to the delicious meals with unlimited wine, friendly and efficient service, well designed tours, etc., I lacked for nothing. I met some wonderful fellow stitchers with whom I shared meals and touring adventures--the best part of the trip for sure (a shout out to Nancy, Charlotte, Melanie, Mike, Deedee, Sue and Ellen). I didn't take many photos because a few fellow travelers (Bruce Hart in particular) posted lots of gorgeous shots on the Tulip Time Facebook page set up by our host, Sandy Arthur, a fantabulous needlepoint designer and instructor.
Lunch in Amsterdam
Bruce and Ginger Hart (the taker of marvelous photos throughout the trip), Ellen, me and Liz, our travel agent)
Our Amsterdam canal cruise boat.
Photos from the Keukenhof Gardens:
Sue (Sandy's co-host), me, Deedee and Ellen) |
Yes, it was friggin' cold! |
My room on the riverboat, the S.S. Antoinnette
Three riverboats tied together (my boat is in the middle) at a dock with limited space.
Menu for the last dinner on board. Delicious offerings.
And speaking of Sandy Arthur--we managed to get in some stitching classes given by her with a few surprises and goodies. At our first class while still in Amsterdam, we received the stitch guide to the Tulip Time canvas designed specifically for this trip (windmill project photo is below). As usual, the stitches are imaginative and perfect for the project. Then at other stitching events during the week, Sandy surprised us with a tulip themed eyeglass case kit with canvas, threads and stitch guide; instructions to put together a peyote beaded needle case (my favorite which I will write about in a future blog); and lots of adorable charms handed out each day to place on a chain. Each charm relates to various tours and places visited along the Rhine. I won a few prizes too--a beautiful painted canvas from Duo Designs and two beautiful, zippered needlepoint tool bags from an anonymous donor.
Eyeglass Case Project Photo |
Peyote Beaded Needle Case Project Photo |
Charms: 2022, Tulip, Stein, Bicycle, Bar(?), Castle, Laraly Rock, Diary of Ann Frank, Germany, Riverboat, Wooden Shoe, Windmill, Cuckoo Clock, Fleur de Lis, Airplane |
Below is a brief itinerary we followed:
Amsterdam for 2 nights to visit the Rijksmuseum, go on a canal cruise, and walk the Keukenhof Gardens.
Then 7 days aboard the S.S. Antoinette riverboat to cruise the Rhine River from Amsterdam to Basel, Switzerland. Even though we traveled south along the river, the river flows north from the Alps to the Netherlands, causing us to travel "up river". We had the pleasure of visiting the city of Cologne, walking tours of the towns of Koblenz and Boppard, wine tasting at Castle Vollards in Rudesheim, a Mannheim vineyard tour and tasting, viewing many ancient castles situated along the river, Strasbourg panoramic tour, and finally a visit to two Alsatian villages. There were additional tours and trips available for the more adventuresome among us, but not for me.
OK, there was a downside--the flight home. I got up at 3 am on Sunday, April 10th to get my suitcase outside of my room by 3:30 am, then prepared for the transfer to the Basel airport for a 7:15 am flight to London. After a six hour layover, I boarded my 2:00 pm flight home to the Philadelphia International Airport, arriving at 5 pm (11 pm Amsterdam time). By the time I got home and into bed, I had been up for over 24 hours (and didn't get much sleep the night before). The walking that was required in both airports definitely put my back out of whack and I believe that's where I caught the nasty cold that laid me up for a week when I got home (two COVID tests were negative)😰. To top it off, I lost my iPhone when my husband picked me up at the airport. I thought I had securely placed the phone in my purse, but somehow it fell out and was picked up by someone who took it to San Francisco with them (I could see this using my "Find My Devices" app). A new one was ordered but doing without a phone for a few days is an eye opener as to how dependent we are on the darned things.
March 18, 2022--I am so excited to be going on the March 31 to April 10, 2022, Uniworld Tulip Time Rhine River Needlepoint Cruise hosted by the famed designer and instructor Sandy Arthur. I've been eyeing her trips for a number of years now and am finally able to do one. The cruise starts in Amsterdam, Netherlands and goes down to Basel, Switzerland along the Rhine River. Two days in Amsterdam and seven days on the river boat. Wonderful!
Now, I've been to Europe before (granted, my past four trips were over 20 years ago) but I have never had the amount of paperwork to do as I've had for this trip. There are volumes of contracts to read and tons of economic issues to contend with that I should get collegiate credit for dealing with it all.
I comprised the below list of everything that needs to be taken care of. The last few items are tongue-in-cheek and I'm sure I'll have more before I get on the plane. How does your list compare?
Tulip Time Rhine River Cruise Preparations
- Read all available literature about the tour, ship, etc.
- Reserve room on the ship (fill out reservation form paperwork) and make airline reservations with travel agency
- Purchase travel insurance (17-page document)
- Pay for all of the above (ka-ching)
- Renew passport because it expired within six months of trip’s end (expired 9/22 and needs to expire no earlier than 10/22)
- Insert TSA KTN on tickets via airline website (unable to get global pre-check number—interviews not available locally and those at distant international airports were too busy—waste of $100 application fee)
- Read health requirements of Netherlands
- Fill out Netherlands Health Declaration for Travelers Intake Form
- Fill out Netherlands Vaccine Information Form
- Fill out Medical Information Form to give to travel agency
- Read Uniworld’s Cruise Companion
- Register on Uniworld's website and fill out personal information forms
- Review itinerary, docking information, etc.
- Read travel tips sent by travel agency
- Sign travel agency Terms and Conditions form
- Note: Am concerned the name the travel agency is using for my airline reservation won’t match my passport (have been told if they don’t match, I won’t be able to get on the plane).
- Note: Have questions about Uniworld cruise ticket/contract having items not covered by travel insurance—questions to travel agency
- Read IMO Athens Convention as it pertains to loss of luggage, life, limbs, etc. and amounts to be paid based on SDR as referenced in Uniworld’s Ticket/Contract document
- Order Passport holder with window pocket for vaccine card
- Put together packing list—what will go in checked luggage and what will be taken aboard the plane. Place liquid items in separate, clear, one gallon zip lock bag
- Put together list of needlepoint stuff to bring
- Place cruise stitching project canvas (photo below) on stretcher bars
- Purchase TSA luggage locks
- Arrange for COVID PCR test to be administered 1 day before leaving
- Purchase travel purse with slash proof sides and straps.
- Find local bank that sells Euros, open account with said bank in order to purchase those Euros
- Call cell phone carrier to arrange for international calling and data plan
- Call credit card companies to put them on notice that cards will be used overseas
- Copy important documents (passport, KTN, driver’s license, COVID vaccination card, credit cards, etc., etc., and have available on iPhone. Download for offline use on iPad.
- Setup WhatsApp on cell phone for communication with travel agency – review how to use it and test with husband
- Set up American Airlines Verifly App to confirm COVID vaccinations
- Download PressReader App for free access to international newspapers and magazines
- Show husband how to use clothes washer and dryer, dish washer, etc.
- Leave information for husband to deal with housekeeper
- Confirm that husband knows what to do when picking up my exhibits from Woodlawn at the beginning of April
- Worry about the effect COVID and Ukraine will have on the trip
- Learn to speak Dutch and German--ha, ha
- Build up leg muscles with an exercise program so the walking tours will be effortless--yep, well, it's going to take a lot of effort to do those tours.
OK, I'm all set to go now--I think.
Map of Rhine River Cruise from Amsterdam to Basel
Tulip Time on the Rhine Project Photo
May 26, 2021--I'm happy to report that I've signed up for the Tulip Time Along the Rhine Needlepoint River Cruise hosted by the wonderful Sandy Arthur of Duo Designs. I've never done a river cruise and since I'm traveling alone (hubby hates cruising), doing one with a needlepoint bent is absolutely perfect!! This cruise takes place in early April, 2022.
Here's a photo of the project Sandy developed specifically for this trip. Love it!
Additional information and lots more can be found on Sandy's blog at:Sandy's Stitching (sandyarthur.blogspot.com)
I'm so excited that I've already "packed" using my Stylebook app. If you want more info about this app, let me know. It's a really fun way to keep track of clothes you own and wear. Here's my first stab at mix and match outfits for the trip. The app migrates the pieces of clothing into a "packing list" for you--easy peasy. Note: I'm certainly not a style or clothing obsessed person, but after losing a lot of weight and buying new clothes--the app gives me a lot of fun putting together "looks" and will show me what I wear a lot and what I'm not touching.
My Stylebook of What to Wear Each Day on the Cruise |
Stylebook Packing List |
I'm not the best photographer of clothes, but the pictures are good enough for my purposes. Can you imagine the possibilities of working with an app like this. PS I have no affiliation with Stylebook, just having fun with it.
Miłego wyszywania !Czekam na postępy,chętnie będę oglądała.Ładne kolory dobrałaś.
PS. Przepraszam piszę po polsku bo nie znam angielskiego.Posługuję się tłumaczem internetowym żeby przeczytać Twój tekst
Thank you for your nice comment. I also use a web translator to read your comments. It works very well. Happy New Year.
DeleteThat is a lot of Smyrnas!! You are working on all those projects? They are on bars? How do you decide which to work on in a given day? By the way, I stitched Bronze Purse but never "finished" it - can't decide what to do with it. I have Fire and Ice on bars but haven't pulled it out in a while.
ReplyDeleteAh, I can tell you looked at my In Process Projects page. All of them are on stretcher bars with various amount of work done on them. I choose projects by whimsey or chapter commitments, not worrying about what's not getting done. My Fire and Ice project languishes still and I'm not sure I'll ever finish it. The Bronze Purse is definitely one that I want to get done now that the Let the Good Times Roll purse is finished. As far as my Planned Projects, most of them are fully kitted and mounted on stretcher bars. I'm slowly weaning them out by selling what I know I'll never get to--tastes do change. You should see my "dream list" of projects I would love to stitch that I have on Pinterest. Posting photos there instead of actually buying and kitting up those projects has saved me a ton of money. LOL.
Too many on bars cause me anxiety. Process, Planned, and Dream projects! Good way to handle them especially the Dream projects. Thanks for sharing.