
Sunday, November 6, 2022

Patriotic Ornament - Updated 11/6/22

November 6, 2022--Finished this fun project into an ornament in time to display on Veterans Day.   

See prior post below for more information about this project.

Ornament Patriotic Finished Front

Ornament Patriotic Finished Back

Just learned this will be a class taught by Ann Strite-Kurz at Denise's Needlework Shop in St. Michaels, MD sometime in the Spring of 2023.   If interested, call Denise for more information.

October 18, 2022--At the October 3rd meeting of Delaware's Seashore Chapter of ANG, one of our members, Ann Strite-Kurz (also a well-known designer and teacher) held a class on stitching her Patriotic Ornament. 

Working on this ornament was such a pleasure with lots of challenges and surprises.  Now all I need to do is finish it into an ornament.   The pencil markings on the edge of the circle will disappear as part of the seam allowance.

Patriotic Ornament Completed

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Heart My Patriotic - Updated 11/5/22

November 5, 2022--Finished this heart into an ornament using a 3 color, 6 ribbon Kumihimo braid as cording around the edge.   Note to self--be sure to maintain the cord twist when pulling it tightly around the corner of the heart.

See prior blog entries (posted below) for more information about the heart.

Heart My Patriotic Finished Front

Heart My Patriotic Finished Back

I tried something different in the finishing process--instead of using my glue gun to piece the front and back together, I used a new glue pictured below.  It enabled me to take the time needed to move the front and back pieces together in perfect alignment, then hold them with clips.  After less than an hour of drying, it was ready for the cording to be placed around the heart with my glue gun.

This was a game changer for me because my back is usually a smidge larger than the front (done on purpose so the cording sits a little forward on the ornament).  When I used a glue gun to put them together, I didn't have time to make adjustments because the glue would dry so fast, so something wouldn't be right on one side or the other.  This Tacky Glue gave me time to move things around a bit for a perfect balance all around before the front and back dried securely in place.

May 7, 2022--This patriotic heart worked up quickly, especially since the groundwork had already been done by Vicki T (silver outline and horizontal separation line).  The stitches were fun and as always with Nancy Cucci's designs, the beading makes it all pop.  

My Patriotic Heart Completed

April 29, 2022--In 2020, I purchased this project from the estate of an old friend and co-member of the Northern Virginia ANG Chapter.  She and I were seminar roomies for a couple of years, and I miss her dearly.   

This heart, designed by Nancy Cucci, is called My Patriotic Heart and is just the kind of piece I like to work on.  Nancy's instructions are very detailed and easy to follow.  Below is a photo of what my friend had stitched while taking this at an ANG seminar class years ago.  It'll be a pleasure to finish it for her.

My Patriotic Heart Partially Stitched by VT