The thread colors in the photos below look different, dependent on the lighting available to me. I apologize for that since this makes it hard to figure out exactly what colors I've used. Also, we weren't given the number of skeins/cards needed for each color, so when I put my threads together from stash, I did run out of a few colors and, rather than ripping out previous stitching, just went with a different thread, but with a similar color. Hope it's not too noticeable.
Below are two concerns about the November lesson:
1) So far, I have not used the last thread identified as "D6" in the January suggested thread list. Since this is identified as a black thread, I'm wondering if it's used as a border around the project.
2) The last layer, a Slanted Gobelin stitch, is worked over 2 threads except under the second column. There we are instructed to work the stitch over 5 threads. I believe she meant to say over 4 threads.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 11 November |
October 7, 2021--The October lesson consisting of 7 layers is now done. Coming into the home stretch with darker colors becoming prominent.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 10 October |
September 6, 2021--Here is Stratigraphy stitched through the 9th lesson in September. We're now over halfway through the design layers and it's starting to look interesting.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 9 September
August 7, 2021--The August lesson is stitched and there are now 22 layers or rows. I'm working up this project using threads from my stash and learned I don't have enough of a few colors, so had to reorder more. Unfortunately, dye lots have changed, so some of the layers look a little different than earlier stitched ones. Oh well, it's not enough to make me start over or rip out previous layers.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 8 August |
July 3, 2021--This piece is moving along nicely. Here's a photo with 7 months of lessons done. I know this is less than half of the project, so I suspect we'll get really busy in the next 5 months (August through December).
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 7 July
June 3, 2021--June's lesson consisted of only two layers, so it was stitched in hours. It's beginning to look interesting.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 6 June |
May 5, 2021--There were six layers to stitch for May's lesson, so now a total of 12 layers have been done. There are a lot of greens in this group and I'm hoping to see more color variety in the upcoming lessons.
It took me two days of occasional stitching to work up the six layers for this month, not bad.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 5 May
April 6, 2021--The fourth lesson published April 1st has been stitched. I decided to also stitch the "sky area" since there was so little to do with this month's lesson. I could see from the project photo that the sky consisted of the Nobuko stitch which is easy enough to do. I chose a very light blue which wouldn't fight with my beige, blue/green and gray colors of the stratigraphic layers. So far, so good.
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 4 April plus Sky
March 3, 2021--Completed the third lesson published March 1st on the ANG website for its members.
I'm wondering why we had only one row to stitch--at this rate, there will be many, many rows to stich during the last months of the year. I also wanted to stitch more rows to see how my colors look together before going too far.
I'm also wondering why her M1 thread in February is darker than the M2 thread used in March as shown in her project photo. Oh well, here's my three months worth....
SOTM 2021 Stratigraphy Lesson 3 March |
February 1, 2021--The lesson for February was fast and easy, especially now that I have my colors picked out. Here's the result to date with three rows stitched:
SOTM 2021 through February Lesson 2
January 11, 2021--I love working on ANG's Stitch of the Month projects. They usually require a few days of time each month and by the end of the year, you have a very nice project that was fun to work on all year long. This year is no different. It is designed by Jennifer Riefenberg and called Stratigraphy. I love the two folded columns, one moving forward, the other back.
I'm including a picture of the threads I plan to use taken from my stash (tans--4 threads, blue/greens--4 threads, silver greys--6 threads). They aren't exactly what the designer called for, but they'll work perfectly in the room where this project will be placed (I hope 🤞).
Here's a photo of the January lesson which covered canvas types, threads, information about the design background, and the first row or layer of stitching. I'm working this on Congress Cloth.
SOTM 2021 January Lesson |
SOTM 2021 Thread Choices
I'm using a similar looking palette, at least when I compare my mental picture of my threads to your actual picture! I'm going to do mine on 18 count, because I have very little congress cloth in my stash.